
20/11/2011 – RB. dixy

This sheet contains incomplete, incoherent or dubious information. Find the staff explanation below.

A supprimer
Erreur à la date de naissance du raton et donc création d'une portée "pour rien", le rat a été rattaché à sa bonne portée

The sheet is displayed “as is” for transparency purpose, but it cannot be considered as reliable.



Russian blue down under headspot standard straight

Age at litter birth 16 months
Age at death 15 months
Death cause Undetermined cause
Sire: Unknown
Unknown rat


Age at litter birth Unknown
Reached age Unknown
Death cause Unknown

Litter summary

Prefix LRL
Mating date Unknown
Birth date 20/11/2011
Pups number 1 pup (♀: 0 recorded – ♂: 0 recorded)
Stillborn pups No stillborn pup
Inbreeding See inbreeding report


Raterie Contribution
LRL – La Renardiere lorraine Lieu de naissance


No rat has been yet attached to this litter.
— Created on 02/04/2024 by lyne. Last modified on 02/05/2024.