
30/12/2021 – MIL-LPM Hermione × MIL Omega



Pointed marten burmese agouti standard rex

Age at litter birth 5 months
Age at death 39 months
Death cause Old age, natural death

Agouti irish standard rex

Age at litter birth 13 months
Age at death 22 months
Death cause Undetermined cause

Litter summary

Prefix MAL-PVC
Mating date Unknown
Birth date 30/12/2021
Pups number 13 pups (♀: 7 recorded – ♂: 6 recorded)
Stillborn pups No stillborn pup
Inbreeding See inbreeding report


Raterie Contribution
MAL – Les Rats de Mallo Lieu de naissance
PVC – Les Ptits ventres à choux Propriétaire du père (portée externe)


State Identifier Name Pup Name Age Death cause Owner Sex Actions
MAL56390M Alpha † 24 mo Undetermined cause Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56388F Artémis † 35 mo Old age, natural death Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56386F Cassiopée † 22 mo Respiratory Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56389M Cheshire † 27 mo Zymbal gland tumor HopeRatoune Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56392F Dafne † 16 mo Bronchitis, pneumonia Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56383M Fantôme † 20 mo Bronchitis, pneumonia Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56394M Floki † 17 mo Facial tumor Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56395F Hariel † 1 mo Malformation, etc. Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56391M Minus † 21 mo Other head related trouble Iurat Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56385F Olympe 38 mo – alive – Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56384F Perséphone † 7 mo Complications of gestation or parturition Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56393M Ragnar † 31 mo Old age, natural death Mallo 1904 Edit Rat Declare Death
MAL56387F Rose † Opale 24 mo Undetermined cause Pikachu Edit Rat Declare Death


Lifespan is computed only on deceased rats. Please note that litter statistics will be accurate only after the last survivor’s death.
Current survival rate 8 % (at 3 years, 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 days)
Average lifespan 20.5 months (♀: 17.5 months – ♂: 23.5 months)
 ⨽ infant mortality excluded ⨽ 22.3 months (♀: 20.9 months – ♂: 23.5 months)
 ⨽ accidents excluded ⨽ 22.3 months (♀: 20.9 months – ♂: 23.5 months)
— Created on 02/04/2024 by Mallo 1904.