
23/04/2024 – DPR Brie Sheridan × PPR Oscar



Dove bareback headspot dumbo rex

Age at litter birth 7 months
Current age 15 months
Death cause – alive –

Siamese black dumbo rex

Age at litter birth 15 months
Current age 24 months
Death cause – alive –

Litter summary

Prefix DPR-PPR
Mating date 01/04/2024
Birth date 23/04/2024
Pups number 13 pups (♀: 9 recorded – ♂: 4 recorded)
Stillborn pups No stillborn pup
Inbreeding See inbreeding report


Raterie Contribution
DPR – Les diamants Pando Rats Lieu de naissance
PPR – Les petits Pirates Propriétaire du père (portée externe)


State Identifier Name Pup Name Age Death cause Owner Sex Actions
DPR59789F Bague lance eau 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59790F Boite vache 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59785F Bombe puante 8 mo – alive – Pando Rat Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59791F Boule puante 8 mo – alive – Poushka Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59788M Chewing-gum électrique 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59781F Claque doigts 8 mo – alive – Poushka Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59787M Coussin péteur 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59786M Crayon mou 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59783F Fausse araignée 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59784F Fausse cigarette 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59782M Faux caca 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59792F Fleur lance eau 8 mo – alive – Non inscrit Edit Rat Declare Death
DPR59793F Poils à gratter 8 mo – alive – Poushka Edit Rat Declare Death


Lifespan is computed only on deceased rats. Please note that litter statistics will be accurate only after the last survivor’s death.
Current survival rate 100 % (at 7 months, 4 weeks, 1 day)
Average lifespan N/A (♀: N/A – ♂: N/A)
 ⨽ infant mortality excluded ⨽ N/A (♀: N/A – ♂: N/A)
 ⨽ accidents excluded ⨽ N/A (♀: N/A – ♂: N/A)
— Created on 16/06/2024 by Pando Rat. Last modified on 11/07/2024.