il part chez Lisa dans le 13
Cette fiche a été mise à jour automatiquement pour enregistrer le décès présumé du rat, trop vieux pour être encore en vie.
TIA Shortest Day ♂ †
Identifier | TIA36237M |
Name | Shortest Day |
Pup name | |
Birth date | Saturday, July 20, 2013 |
Sex | Male |
Owner | Non inscrit |

Birth place | TIA – La raterie Tiamat |
Dam | TIA Little Moon † (– ?? –) |
Sire | IND Sheba † (– ?? –) |
Genealogy | See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings) |
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants) | |
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics) |
Variety | Black berkshire dumbo rex |
Color | Black |
Dilution | No dilution |
Marking | Berkshire |
Earset | Dumbo |
Coat | Rex |
Eyecolor | Black |
Singularities | None |
Is alive? | No |
Age at death | – ?? – |
Death category | Unknown cause |
Death cause | No information (presumably dead) |
— Created on 28/08/2013 by raterie-tiamat. Last modified on 04/11/2013.