Dark Moon est partie de vieillesse du jour au lendemain
elle n’avait pas de soucis de santé, hormis un oeil un peu touché par la cataracte, elle était en partie paralysée du train arrière mais arrivait toujours à se déplacer (elle avait conservé un joli gabarit)
RTD Dark Moon ♀ †
Identifier | RTD43345F |
Name | Dark Moon |
Pup name | |
Birth date | Monday, September 9, 2013 |
Sex | Female |
Owner | sev25 |

Birth place | RTD – Ratoudou |
Dam | FRT Margalo † (17 months) |
Sire | RTD-TRX Calcifer † (26 months) |
Genealogy | See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings) |
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants) | |
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics) |
Variety | Black self dumbo straight |
Color | Black |
Dilution | No dilution |
Marking | Self |
Earset | Dumbo |
Coat | Straight |
Eyecolor | Black |
Singularities | None |
Is alive? | No |
Age at death | 32 months |
Death date | 12/05/2016 |
Death category | Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum) |
Death cause | Not Available |
Euthanized? | Not Available |
Diagnosed by vet? | Not Available |
Post-mortem analyses? | Not Available |
— Created on 20/04/2015 by sev25. Last modified on 13/06/2016.