
EPR Linus ♂ †


Identifier EPR44702M
Name Linus
Pup name
Birth date Sunday, June 14, 2015
Sex Male
Owner Rattlousia


Birth place EPR – Au Pays de Rattlousi
Dam IND Lily † (– ?? –)
Sire IND Zeddicus † (24 months)
Genealogy See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings)
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants)
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics)


Variety American blue irish standard straight
Color American blue
Dilution No dilution
Marking Irish
Earset Standard
Coat Straight
Eyecolor Black
Singularities None


Is alive? No
Age at death 7 months
Death date 19/01/2016
Death category Accidents, traumas, poisonings
Death cause Veterinary accident (anesthesia during a minor operation, medical error, etc.)
Euthanized? Not Available
Diagnosed by vet? Not Available
Post-mortem analyses? Not Available


Linus n’a pas supporté l’anesthésie qu’il a subit lors de sa castration. L’opération c’était bien déroulé mais il n’a pas réussit à se réveiller malgré les tentatives de réanimations des vétos…

RIP petit cœur

— Created on 17/09/2015 by Rattlousia. Last modified on 22/02/2016.