
DOU Tirlibibi ♂ †


Identifier DOU47600M
Name Tirlibibi
Pup name
Birth date Sunday, September 18, 2016
Sex Male
Owner marinou75


Birth place DOU – Ratoux du Sergent Douphie
Dam R2G Dancing Queen † (27 months)
Sire AAS-DOU I Want to Believe † (19 months)
Genealogy See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings)
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants)
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics)


Variety Havana agouti self standard rex
Color Havana agouti
Dilution No dilution
Marking Self
Earset Standard
Coat Rex
Eyecolor Ruby
Singularities None


Is alive? No
Age at death 22 months
Death date 18/07/2018
Death category Unknown cause
Death cause Undetermined cause (known date)
Euthanized? Not Available
Diagnosed by vet? Not Available
Post-mortem analyses? Not Available


Tirlibibi est décédé le mercredi 18 juillet 2018 à ses 22mois. Il n’avait aucuns soucis de santé, sur son corps aucunes traces ni bizarreries. Suspicion d’un coup de chaleur.

— Created on 20/10/2016 by douphie. Last modified on 05/08/2018.