Santé : a subit une ovarectomie le 26 juin 2018. un de ses ovaire était kisté et énorme ( presque une balle de ping pong) Il y avait également une tumeur mammaire au niveau de la zone uro-génitale avec du lait. Tout à été enlevé
PDD-RDN Bexs ♀ †
Identifier | PDD48291F |
Name | Bexs |
Pup name | |
Birth date | Thursday, February 25, 2016 |
Sex | Female |
Owner | Cundolë |

Birth place | PDD – Les Petits Druides de Dana |
Dam | SRD Lullaby † (29 months) |
Sire | MSA Swine Squealer Squealer † (– ?? –) |
Genealogy | See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings) |
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants) | |
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics) |
Variety | Black berkshire standard straight |
Color | Black |
Dilution | No dilution |
Marking | Berkshire |
Earset | Standard |
Coat | Straight |
Eyecolor | Black |
Singularities | None |
Is alive? | No |
Age at death | 30 months |
Death date | 03/09/2018 |
Death category | Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum) |
Death cause | Not Available |
Euthanized? | Not Available |
Diagnosed by vet? | Not Available |
Post-mortem analyses? | Not Available |
Bred litters
— Created on 13/02/2017 by Cundolë. Last modified on 08/10/2019.