
RSH Gwendydd ♀ †


Identifier RSH49188F
Name Gwendydd
Pup name
Birth date Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sex Female
Owner Shita


Birth place RSH – Shita
Dam RSH Fadila † (36 months)
Sire ETR Rapalje's Wolf † (24 months)
Genealogy See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings)
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants)
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics)


Variety Russian blue agouti berkshire standard straight
Color Russian blue agouti
Dilution No dilution
Marking Berkshire
Earset Standard
Coat Straight
Eyecolor Black
Singularities None


Is alive? No
Age at death 31 months
Death date 08/03/2017
Death category Other
Death cause Undetermined tumor (affected organ unknown)
Euthanized? Yes
Diagnosed by vet? Not Available
Post-mortem analyses? Not Available


Une dame exceptionnellement grande de plus de 700 grammes!

Raison décès: Euthanasiés en raison d’une tumeur hypophysaire

Eleveur: raterie Shita
Propriétaire: raterie Shita

Rapalje’s Wolf (ETR49183M)
Agouti hooded
03/10/2012 - 20/10/2014

Shita’s Fadila (RSH49181F)
Bleu russe rex dumbo
12/01/2014 - 30/12/2016

Généalogie: http://www.rattenstambomen.nl/public/rat/shita-s-gwendydd/stamboom

Plus d’informations sur la litière: http://www.ratteryshita.nl/g-nest.html

En Show:
RatFest 2016 - 1ère place Best in Show
RatFest 2016 - 1ère place Bleu couleur
RatFest 2015 - 1ère place Best in Show
RatFest 2015 - 1ère place Bleu couleur
RatFest 2015 - 2ème place Oreilles Standard
RatFest 2014 - 1ère place meilleurs jeunes (jusqu’à 5 mois)

— Created on 01/07/2017 by Shita.