New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
RB.28626M RB. Nounours † Theoraux
RB.29145M RB. Darkness † demon77
RB.29435F RB. Morgane † Diablotin
RB.29436F RB. Mouton † Diablotin
RB.29536M RB. Daemone † petit-poilu
RB.29537F RB. Gotika † petit-poilu
RB.29540M RB. Maaskantje † Diablotin
RB.29555F RB. Love Machine † Mushmush Diablotin
RB.29562F RB. Perséphone † sorong
RB.29563F RB. Rangoun † Non inscrit
RB.29600M RB. Bubble Gum † Diablotin
RB.29648M RB. Lucifer † Theoraux
RB.29649M RB. Dayin † Theoraux
RB.29849F RB. Lucrethia † Fairatail
RB.29850F RB. Seppia † Fairatail
RB.29883M RB. Bailey's † Les Edelweiss
RB.29884M RB. Jack † Les Edelweiss
RB.30096M RB. Hazelnoot Koffie † Ptitefraise95
RB.30168F RB. Bleuette † Non inscrit
RB.30232F RB. Izzie † Emy

Page 1,637 of 2,469, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,372 total