New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
RB.45945M RB. Grimoald † sO-
RB.46540M RB. Twitter † sidonie
RB.46541M RB. Waze † sidonie
RB.46542M RB. Bluetooth † sidonie
RB.48897F RB. Bruxelle † sidonie
RB.49967F RB. Pina Colada † becaria
RB.50005M RB. Iblis † elyanna
RB.50006F RB. Psycho † elyanna
RB.50117F RB. Roquefort † Shita
RB.50159M RB. BeelzeBae † Billy gretaneera
RB.51344M RB. Goliath † La Pest
RB.51345M RB. Steel-X † La Pest
RB.51394M RB. Nardole † Rattlousia
RB.51427F RB. Ginger Ale † La Pest
RB.51430F RB. Rusty † La Pest
RB.51431F RB. Bloody Queen † La Pest
RB.51720F RB. Crispy † kinou87
RB.51721F RB. Josephine † kinou87
RB.52042M RB. Apophis † YaYa
RB.52044M RB. At the Heart of Winter † YaYa

Page 1,643 of 2,469, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,370 total