New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
CRV45714F CRV Calcifer † Daenerys harpeonie
CRV45715F CRV Sansa † Non inscrit
CRV45716M CRV Berlioz † Ver Gris Lilidzeu
CRV45717M CRV Floyd † Oberyn Lilidzeu
CRV45718M CRV Bilbo † Jaime Non inscrit
CRV45719M CRV Jon Snow † Bronn dodidody
CRV45720M CRV Robb † dodidody
CRV46368F CRV Falbala † saskia
CRV46369F CRV Fanzine † Aëra
CRV46370F CRV Iélosubmarine † Vazaha
CRV46371M CRV Auro † Assurancetourix Non inscrit
CRV46372M CRV Goudurix † Panoramix ChouCha
CRV46373M CRV Scaramouche † Cétautomatix Ash
CRV46374M CRV Pan † Ordralphabetix Non inscrit
CRV46375M CRV Hannibal Barca Lecter † Abraracourcix MollyV
CRV47580F CRV-RCD Merida † Belle ChouCha
CRV47581F CRV-RCD Barbara † Jasmine anacoum
CRV47582F CRV-RCD Louise † Cendrillon anacoum
CRV47583F CRV-RCD Raiponce † Ariel Shanys
CRV47584M CRV-RCD Aladdin † Shanys

Page 1,776 of 2,467, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,328 total