New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
YYR32398M YYR vaudou † ratzouille
YYR32399M YYR despote † ratzouille
YYR32400F YYR mandragore † ratzouille
YYR32401F YYR divine † ratzouille
YYR32819M YYR madison † ratzouille
YYR32820M YYR charleston † ratzouille
YYR34731M YYR Chic † ratzouille
YYR34732M YYR Hollywood † ratzouille
YYR34733M YYR Prestige † Non inscrit
YYR34734F YYR Glamour † ratzouille
YYR35552F YYR lilehana † ratzouille
YYR35635F YYR Chipie † Lovely JuneJulie
YYR36699M YYR Eustache † Manelle
YYR36700M YYR Guignol † Manelle
YYR38594F YYR Sarriette † sidonie
ROA30239F ROA Lytchee † Les Rat'ouilles
ROA30240F ROA Lytchee † musty002
ROA30241F ROA Lady † canailloux
ROA30242F ROA Lankya † canailloux
ROA30265F ROA Lotus † Grysounet

Page 1,841 of 2,467, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,328 total