New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
TWR50762M TWR Altaïr † Gasherbrum I Namounis
TWR50763M TWR Orisha † Gasherbrum II Namounis
TWR50764M TWR Woody † Cho Oyu Coc0w
TWR51434M TWR Picheloup † Pixie
TWR51435M TWR Crouton † Pixie
TWR51436M TWR Smith Haut Laffite † Coc0w
TWR51437M TWR St Emilion † Coc0w
TWR51438M TWR St Estephe † Coc0w
TWR51439M TWR Pape Clément † Coc0w
TWR51440M TWR Haut Brion † Coc0w
TWR51441M TWR Chateau Latour † Coc0w
TWR51442M TWR Fronsac † Non inscrit
TWR51443F TWR Queen † Yquem Coc0w
TWR51444F TWR Margaux † Vivianne Nanylle
TWR51445F TWR Pomerol † Coc0w
TWR51446F TWR Sauternes † Arizona Nanylle
TWR51447F TWR Pauillac † Coc0w
TWR51448F TWR Listrac † Coc0w
TWR52601M TWR Dingboche † Coc0w
TWR52603F TWR Dzonghla † Coc0w

Page 1,852 of 2,467, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,328 total