New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
DOU37575F DOU Selma Bouvier † Non inscrit
DOU37576F DOU Turanga Leela † Non inscrit
DOU40572M DOU Manchevif † Cundolë
DOU40573M DOU Dumbo † Feuopoudre Non inscrit
DOU40574M DOU Ratatouille † Brossdur Non inscrit
DOU40575M DOU And One Again † Nimbus douphie
DOU40576M DOU In Loving Memory of Crusty † Eclair de Feu douphie
DOU40577F DOU Dreams Can Come True † Flèche d'Argent douphie
DOU40578F DOU Chunky Monkey † Friselune Ptitefraise95
DOU40579F DOU Cancrelune † Lancechêne Asthenie
DOU40580F DOU Mélusine † Comète Asthenie
DOU42316M DOU Boogie † Cerato Delie
DOU42317M DOU Lou Reed † Oak Delie
DOU42318M DOU Elm † Daim marinou75
DOU42319M DOU Pee-Wee † Ptitefraise95
DOU42320M DOU Scleranthus † izu
DOU42321F DOU Sweet Home Alabama † Heather douphie
DOU42322F DOU California Dreamin' † Chicory douphie
DOU42323F DOU Holly † Mayella
DOU42324F DOU Clematis † Mayella

Page 1,986 of 2,466, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,316 total