New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
PBR38357M PBR Gromit † Ratterie Petits Bijoux
PBR38358M PBR Wallace † Ratterie Petits Bijoux
MPL38060M MPL Némo † mpld
MPL38061F MPL Nala † mpld
MPL38137M MPL Speedou † Tac Non inscrit
MPL38138M MPL Titou † Tic Non inscrit
MPL38178M MPL Black Pearl † mpld
MPL38195F MPL Spleen † Non inscrit
MPL38196F MPL Idéale † Non inscrit
MPL41496F MPL Chenoa † Huskynette mpld
MPL41497M MPL Nikan † Golume mpld
MPL41498M MPL Rock † Amarock mpld
MPL41950F MPL Hope of Love † Aiyonna Les Gratouilles Hypnotiseurs de la Brumeuse
LPB36951F LPB Iris † amandine machi
LPB36952M LPB Indigo † amandine machi
PVC37079F PVC Kara † Non inscrit
PVC37080F PVC Taima † Non inscrit
PVC37081F PVC Maya † Non inscrit
PVC37082F PVC Izobelle † Non inscrit
PVC37083F PVC Lunéa † Non inscrit

Page 2,038 of 2,464, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,273 total