New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
INC35171M INC Kiss † mallo
INC35172M INC Bigout † mallo
INC35173M INC Goloum † mallo
INC35182M INC Milky † La-Fille-Du-Joker
INC35183F INC Cassie † La-Fille-Du-Joker
INC35222M INC Titto † Tit'amour lolow
INC35223M INC Elendil † Didi lolow
INC35224F INC Speedy † shp
INC35225F INC Demoiselle † shp
INC35226F INC Rita la Ratte † shp
INC35229M INC Houston † camille.aussie
INC35266M INC Speedy † Non inscrit
INC35274F INC Gribouille † akito
INC35286F INC Lilith † No rat
INC35336M INC Léo † manon19300
INC35337F INC Zoé † manon19300
INC35348M INC Krusty † Barney
INC35354F INC Sunrise † Quad Desvolm
INC35357F INC Salsa † salsa
INC35361F INC Nalla † Miss-Nemo

Page 309 of 2,464, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,265 total