New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
INC43628F INC Kimmy † jilcey
INC43629F INC Steewie † SenselessBS
INC43644M INC Rapido † perrine78
INC43649M INC Wax † Les AlphaRats
INC43651M INC Lovers † Les AlphaRats
INC43689F INC Kim † gwendoline
INC43690F INC Molly † gwendoline
INC43691M INC Logan † gwendoline
INC43692M INC Xian † gwendoline
INC43693M INC Nelson † gwendoline
INC43738F INC Racaille † perrine78
INC43740F INC Gaïa † Dodiie
INC43758F INC Plume † Dodiie
INC43771F INC Nam † LibéRats
INC43788M INC Anubis † Speedy Prescilia
INC43804F INC Dixie † ninaa
INC43814F INC Laloo † Lily-Shroom
INC43815F INC Cendre † Lily-Shroom
INC43817M INC Minidoowee † Toto
INC43820F INC June † Lily-Shroom

Page 355 of 2,472, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,424 total