New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
IND3268M IND trotinou † choupa
IND3269F IND Vanille † pimsounette
IND3290M IND Fifrelin † choupa
IND3299M IND Barry † sarah91
IND3300M IND Bart † sarah91
IND3313F IND Barbara † sarah91
IND3363F IND sweety † la grosse sweety lina
IND3364F IND pupuce † la trouillarde lina
IND3365M IND guiness † lina
IND3366M IND krapouillou † lina
IND3367M IND Taz † lina
IND3369M IND Merlin † Saquarah
IND3370M IND Tinky † lina
IND3371M IND splinter † lina
IND3537F IND-COB CF1 † La jumelle crobe1
IND3538F IND-COB CF2 † Non inscrit
IND3540F IND-COB CF4 † Speedy crobe1
IND3541F IND-COB CF5 † Nivea Lee
IND3388M IND soho † Saquarah

Page 420 of 2,464, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,273 total