New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
IND7958M IND Cortex † cortexounet dooblej
IND7966F IND Pa?sy † alvina
IND7970M IND Lyoko † lyokito, lyoklyok dooblej
IND8360M IND Guismo † Guismo caca isowitch
IND8014F IND ludu † fanch
IND8048F IND Paprika † Paprika sya
IND8049F IND Crapule † katatonia
IND8050M IND Scoob † AvaLooNe
IND8067M IND minus † la brute piccacmimspe
IND8068M IND titus † le bon piccacmimspe
IND8069M IND bigoudi † le truand piccacmimspe
INC8118F IND Virgule † pouah___pouah
IND8127F IND Chapo † Non inscrit
IND8128F IND Friponne † vltava
IND8129F IND Giboulée † vltava
IND8130F IND Rustine † vltava
IND8131F IND Godzilla † vltava
INC8164M IND Copain † Non inscrit
IND8165F IND Betsie † Non inscrit
IND8166M IND-DRG Tissiam de chez Rhapsody † Non inscrit

Page 440 of 2,465, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,289 total