New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
IND14769M IND Paco † boomer13
IND14770F IND Ticky † boomer13
IND14773M IND Sheïtan † Babbou
IND14774M IND String † Babbou
IND14775M IND Puck † Babbou
IND14778M IND Belzébuth † Lizzy
IND14845M IND Nuté † louloute68
IND14846F IND Chrispie † louloute68
IND14874F IND Gaza † debi03
IND14875F IND Palestine † Non inscrit
IND14876F IND Albanie † debi03
IND14880M IND Double Face † Non inscrit
IND14888M IND ObiWan Kenobi † debi03
IND14933M IND-DRO Bleyr'haut † Tartouille
IND14944M IND Absolut † L'eunuque becaria
IND14951M IND Merlin † (chez RDM) Non inscrit
IND14984M IND PimPom † biboune
IND14985M IND FatMax † Fatou biboune
IND14986M IND Turlutte † biboune
IND14990M IND Switch † lun

Page 469 of 2,466, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,316 total