
SOO – SOO rats  ☾


Owner soo
Founded in 2008
Country France
Localization Not Available
Zip Code 4000
Website Not Available


Les SOO’rats sont avant tout des rats de compagnie qui partagent ma vie au quotidien, c’est la raison pour laquelle le nombre de pensionnaires est relativement restreint. La reproduction reste très secondaire, elle a pour principal but de continuer les lignées qui me tiennent particulièrement à coeur. Les portées sont occasionnelles et organisées (bien souvent) en collaboration avec d’autres rateries. L’objectif est d’obtenir des ratons ayant une bonne santé/longévité avec un bon caractère via la sélection des parents, le tout en y apportant les caractéristiques physiques qui me plaisent ( blazed à petit marquage, base agouti et rex ).


Breeding statistics
Breeding activity period 2008–2012 (3 years, 5 months)
Declared litters 10 litters, 109 pups
 ⨽ internal (born in the rattery)  ⨽ 7 litters, 84 pups
 ⨽ external (other contributed litters)  ⨽ 3 litters, 25 pups
All rat records 109 rats
 ⨽ females  ⨽ 59 females (54.1 %)
 ⨽ males  ⨽ 50 males (45.9 %)
Litter statistics
Average mother age 239 days (7.8 months)
Average father age 555 days (18.2 months)
Average litter size 10.9 pups per litter
Average sex ratio 0.847 (about 13 females for 11 males)
Lifespan statistics
Bred rats recorded as deceased 84 rats (100 % of recorded bred rats)
 ⨽ declared with known date  ⨽ 63 rats (75 %)
 ⨽ presumed dead  ⨽ 21 rats (25 %)
Average lifespan of bred rats 22.1 months (♀: 24.4 months – ♂: 19.9 months)
 ⨽ infant mortality excluded  ⨽ 22.1 months (♀: 24.4 months – ♂: 19.9 months)
 ⨽ accidents excluded  ⨽ 23.4 months (♀: 25.8 months – ♂: 21 months)
Oldest bred rat SOO-BGS Kroepoek (deceased at 2 years, 11 months, 28 days)
Death causes statistics
Primary death causes by decreasing frequency
23.81 %
22.22 %
Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
20.63 %
Unknown cause
11.11 %
Accidents, traumas, poisonings
9.52 %
4.76 %
4.76 %
Neurological (brain, spinal cords, nerves)
1.59 %
Urinary system (kidney, bladder)
1.59 %
Eye, ear, mouth, face
Secondary death causes by decreasing frequency
22.22 %
*Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
20.63 %
Undetermined cause (known date)
17.46 %
Undetermined tumor (affected organ unknown)
6.35 %
4.76 %
Undetermined infection or abscess
4.76 %
Domestic accident (crush, door...)
4.76 %
Heart failure, valvular disease
4.76 %
3.17 %
Bronchitis, pneumonia
3.17 %
Veterinary accident (anesthesia during a minor operation, medical error, etc.)
1.59 %
Fights, injuries, serious bites, subsequent hemorrhage (excluding abnormal hemorrhage)
1.59 %
Otitis, ear abscess
1.59 %
Food poisoning
1.59 %
Renal failure
1.59 %
— Created on 30/07/2010 by soo.

Related entries

Last contributed litters
State Birth date Dam Sire Size Actions
06/02/2012 ETR Kane ETR Wallago 9 Edit Litter
09/04/2011 SOO-LCN Quinny SOO-RAZ Wikus 12 Edit Litter
04/11/2010 SOO-RAZ Pop-corn CAY-ABR Hapax 8 Edit Litter
24/06/2010 SOO-LPL Pyrite RTO-LSA Evan 13 Edit Litter
14/05/2010 FAC-RLF Brise LPM Èlliot 10 Edit Litter
11/02/2010 CRP-DAS Modrika FCB Bounty 9 Edit Litter
29/10/2009 SOO-BGS Maesta TRL Kiba 14 Edit Litter
26/10/2009 BGS-CRB Chavroux LPM Èlliot 7 Edit Litter
01/03/2009 SOO-ETC Yeimy BGS Leo 14 Edit Litter
03/09/2008 FAC-CRB Oxalis LPM Garfield 13 Edit Litter
Recently modified rats
State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Birth Age Death cause Sex Actions
SOO29416F SOO Nouméa † 06/02/2012 20 mo Undetermined infection or abscess Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO29419F SOO GiGi † 06/02/2012 – ?? – No information Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO29414F SOO Sugar † 06/02/2012 29 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO20275M SOO-LCN Esso † 24/06/2010 31 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO25330F SOO Elaya † 09/04/2011 32 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO25326F SOO Peach † 09/04/2011 29 mo Undetermined infection or abscess Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO25333M SOO Victor † 09/04/2011 28 mo Otitis, ear abscess Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO25336M SOO Zéphyr † 09/04/2011 24 mo Undetermined tumor Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO20537F SOO-LCN Quinny † 24/06/2010 35 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
SOO29417F SOO Lhassa † 06/02/2012 15 mo Undetermined tumor Edit Rat Declare Death