
CRB – Les Chat-Rat-Bia  ☾


Owner RatTatouille
Founded in 2003
Country France
Localization Not Available
Zip Code 1357
Website Not Available


La Raterie travaille sur la lignée de BRANWEN des Bijoux de la Lune ainsi que deux lignées externes avec OURAGAN des Rat’Tafia et DODD de la raterie PasRatNormal. Elle propose des ratons de qualité où il y a eu un travail de sélection sur plusieurs générations du caractère et de la santé. On y retrouve principalement des ratous mink et dérivés (mock mink - double mink, bleu russe - dove, bleu - lavender et également quelques noir) en dumbo - standard, en lisse - rex - double rex et dans différents marquages : downunder, marquage faciale (blazed - étoilé), variegated, varieberk, berkshire - irish - uni, ou encore hooded … Attention! La Raterie travaille sur la qualité plutôt que sur la quantité … il n’y a donc que très peu de portée par ans (1 voir 2 maximum)


Breeding statistics
Breeding activity period 2003–2011 (7 years, 8 months)
Declared litters 20 litters, 211 pups
 ⨽ internal (born in the rattery)  ⨽ 9 litters, 102 pups
 ⨽ external (other contributed litters)  ⨽ 11 litters, 109 pups
All rat records 211 rats
 ⨽ females  ⨽ 114 females (54 %)
 ⨽ males  ⨽ 97 males (46 %)
Litter statistics
Average mother age 243 days (8 months)
Average father age 501 days (16.4 months)
Average litter size 10.6 pups per litter
Average sex ratio 0.851 (about 13 females for 11 males)
Lifespan statistics
Bred rats recorded as deceased 102 rats (100 % of recorded bred rats)
 ⨽ declared with known date  ⨽ 38 rats (37.3 %)
 ⨽ presumed dead  ⨽ 64 rats (62.7 %)
Average lifespan of bred rats 21.2 months (♀: 25.1 months – ♂: 18.2 months)
 ⨽ infant mortality excluded  ⨽ 22.4 months (♀: 26.6 months – ♂: 19.1 months)
 ⨽ accidents excluded  ⨽ 24.1 months (♀: 26.6 months – ♂: 21.7 months)
Oldest bred rat CRB Estrella (deceased at 2 years, 10 months, 17 days)
Death causes statistics
Primary death causes by decreasing frequency
36.84 %
Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
21.05 %
13.16 %
Unknown cause
10.53 %
Accidents, traumas, poisonings
5.26 %
Infant mortality (up to 6 week old)
5.26 %
5.26 %
Neurological (brain, spinal cords, nerves)
2.63 %
Secondary death causes by decreasing frequency
36.84 %
*Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
13.16 %
Undetermined cause (known date)
13.16 %
Undetermined tumor (affected organ unknown)
7.89 %
Domestic accident (crush, door...)
5.26 %
5.26 %
5.26 %
*Infant mortality (up to 6 week old)
5.26 %
2.63 %
Virus, epidemic outbreak, immune deficiency (SDA, Sendai, Tyzzer...)
2.63 %
Veterinary accident (anesthesia during a minor operation, medical error, etc.)
2.63 %
Heart failure, valvular disease
— Created on 24/09/2011 by RatTatouille.

Related entries

Last contributed litters
State Birth date Dam Sire Size Actions
25/08/2011 BKR-LSA April O'neil RVR Escape 16 Edit Litter
09/11/2009 DJN-CRB Foufounette IND-RSQ Chicken des Rats de L'Opéra 15 Edit Litter
16/07/2009 RTO-ETC Choupette IND-COB Cornelius 13 Edit Litter
21/03/2009 DJN Daïquiri PRN DODD 16 Edit Litter
10/02/2009 BGS-RBJ Gini IND-COB Cornelius 13 Edit Litter
01/12/2008 FAC-CRB Ajax IND-COB Cornelius 10 Edit Litter
08/11/2008 CRB Falbala RB. Yahto 15 Edit Litter
22/04/2008 IND-COB Jezabel DHP Reflex 10 Edit Litter
05/03/2008 RSI Vanish BAT-CRB Tempête 11 Edit Litter
14/01/2007 IND-CTR Na?a RTF Ouragan 5 Edit Litter
Recently modified rats
State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Birth Age Death cause Sex Actions
CRB27553M CRB-LSA Hugo † 25/08/2011 18 mo Respiratory Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB27778F CRB-LSA Hymen † 25/08/2011 – ?? – No information Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB27779F CRB-LSA Herpes † 25/08/2011 – ?? – No information Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB27780F CRB-LSA Hémorroïde † 25/08/2011 – ?? – No information Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB27781F CRB-LSA Haemophilus † 25/08/2011 – ?? – No information Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB27782F CRB-LSA HIV † 25/08/2011 – ?? – No information Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB6265F CRB Brizalisse † 04/06/2004 30 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB6266F CRB Bagheera † 04/06/2004 31 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB6267F CRB Brandy † 04/06/2004 30 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
CRB6268F CRB Baya † 04/06/2004 31 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death