
CHL – Les Candy Ratons


Owner Dwialock
Founded in 2012
Country France
Localization Not Available
Zip Code 37000
Website Not Available


Raterie Amateur.

Marquages : Micro-irish et berkshire, Couleurs : bleu us, agouti, PED, RED Travail sur le dumbo, la longévité, éviter l'AH et amélioration du caractère.


Breeding statistics
Breeding activity period 2014–2024 (9 years, 10 months)
Declared litters 15 litters, 109 pups
 ⨽ internal (born in the rattery)  ⨽ 14 litters, 101 pups
 ⨽ external (other contributed litters)  ⨽ 1 litter, 8 pups
All rat records 116 rats
 ⨽ females  ⨽ 53 females (45.7 %)
 ⨽ males  ⨽ 63 males (54.3 %)
Litter statistics
Average mother age 261 days (8.5 months)
Average father age 550 days (18 months)
Average litter size 7.3 pups per litter
Average sex ratio 1.189 (about 6 males for 5 females)
Lifespan statistics
Bred rats recorded as deceased 75 rats (69.4 % of recorded bred rats)
 ⨽ declared with known date  ⨽ 56 rats (74.7 %)
 ⨽ presumed dead  ⨽ 19 rats (25.3 %)
Average lifespan of bred rats 23.7 months (♀: 20.5 months – ♂: 26.7 months)
 ⨽ infant mortality excluded  ⨽ 23.7 months (♀: 20.5 months – ♂: 26.7 months)
 ⨽ accidents excluded  ⨽ 24.3 months (♀: 21.3 months – ♂: 26.7 months)
Oldest bred rat CHL-DMH Serge (deceased at 3 years, 4 months, 22 days)
Death causes statistics
Primary death causes by decreasing frequency
32.14 %
21.43 %
Unknown cause
12.5 %
Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
12.5 %
7.14 %
Accidents, traumas, poisonings
7.14 %
Neurological (brain, spinal cords, nerves)
3.57 %
Reproductive system
1.79 %
Muscles and skeleton
1.79 %
Secondary death causes by decreasing frequency
21.43 %
Undetermined cause (known date)
17.86 %
Undetermined tumor (affected organ unknown)
12.5 %
*Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
8.93 %
Undetermined infection or abscess
8.93 %
7.14 %
Domestic accident (crush, door...)
5.36 %
Virus, epidemic outbreak, immune deficiency (SDA, Sendai, Tyzzer...)
5.36 %
*Neurological (brain, spinal cords, nerves)
3.57 %
Bronchitis, pneumonia
3.57 %
Complications of gestation or parturition
1.79 %
Bone tumor
1.79 %
Hemorrhage (exaggerated relative to the context, coagulation disorder, hemophilia)
1.79 %
— Created on 08/01/2015 by Dwialock. Last modified on 17/07/2024.

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Last contributed litters
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22/08/2024 CHL Praline CHL Polochon 9 Edit Litter
13/06/2024 DNR Nightsong CHL Boaz 8 Edit Litter
21/10/2023 CHL Marjolaine TDC Monaco 8 Edit Litter
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21/08/2021 CHL Siggy CHL Floki 4 Edit Litter
21/11/2020 IND Tokyo CHL Yuzu 4 Edit Litter
24/05/2019 CHL-NMS Fleur CHL Gingembre 5 Edit Litter
Recently modified rats
State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Birth Age Death cause Sex Actions
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CHL57444F CHL Lady † 28/08/2022 27 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
CHL58832F CHL Milka † 21/10/2023 10 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
CHL57978F CHL Marjolaine † 31/03/2023 17 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
CHL57446F CHL Fleur † 28/08/2022 22 mo Hemorrhage Edit Rat Declare Death
CHL57076M CHL Boaz † 26/01/2022 30 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
CHL57077M CHL Jacobe † 26/01/2022 29 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
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