
FOX – Le domaine de Goupix  ☾


Owner Bee
Founded in 2021
Country France
Localization Not Available
Zip Code 02260
Website Not Available


Je travaille en collaboration avec la raterie MIL en adoptant des mâles pour de potentiels futurs projets.


Breeding statistics
Breeding activity period 2020–2022 (1 year, 5 months)
Declared litters 5 litters, 54 pups
 ⨽ internal (born in the rattery)  ⨽ 2 litters, 27 pups
 ⨽ external (other contributed litters)  ⨽ 3 litters, 27 pups
All rat records 54 rats
 ⨽ females  ⨽ 30 females (55.6 %)
 ⨽ males  ⨽ 24 males (44.4 %)
Litter statistics
Average mother age 212 days (7 months)
Average father age 402 days (13.2 months)
Average litter size 10.8 pups per litter
Average sex ratio 0.8 (about 5 females for 4 males)
Lifespan statistics
Bred rats recorded as deceased 6 rats (22.2 % of recorded bred rats)
 ⨽ declared with known date  ⨽ 6 rats (100 %)
 ⨽ presumed dead  ⨽ No rat (0 %)
There aren’t enough rats with consolidated information to compute relevant mortality statistics.
— Created on 16/03/2021 by Bee.

Related entries

Last contributed litters
State Birth date Dam Sire Size Actions
02/02/2022 PEX-LPM Gazelle MIL Melba 2 Edit Litter
31/01/2022 MIL Cleo MIL-VIC Merops 14 Edit Litter
02/02/2021 MIL Hellebore MIL-VIC Mopsos 15 Edit Litter
20/01/2021 LPM-FDC Péri MIL-VIC Tiresias 12 Edit Litter
03/08/2020 MIL Mahonie MIL Loki 11 Edit Litter
Recently modified rats
State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Birth Age Death cause Sex Actions
FOX55049M FOX-MIL Sushi † 20/01/2021 23 mo Digestive tumor Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55058F FOX-MIL Judy † 02/02/2021 27 mo Respiratory Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55040F FOX-MIL Clarice † 20/01/2021 22 mo Neurological Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55050M FOX-MIL Sirius † 20/01/2021 28 mo Veterinary accident Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55070M FOX-MIL Timon † 02/02/2021 21 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55056F FOX-MIL Snikch 02/02/2021 49 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55060F FOX-MIL Grisette 02/02/2021 49 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55063M FOX-MIL Sully 02/02/2021 49 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55069M FOX-MIL Stuart † 02/02/2021 11 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
FOX55072M FOX-MIL Dobby 02/02/2021 49 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death