Hope au pays des merveilles est une petite raterie familiale située à Angers.
HPM – Hope au pays des merveilles
Owner | HopeRatoune |
Founded in | 2022 |
Country | France |
Localization | Angers |
Zip Code | 49100 |
Website | Not Available |
Breeding statistics
Breeding activity period | 2023–2024 (1 year, 9 months) |
Declared litters | 4 litters, 49 pups |
⨽ internal (born in the rattery) | ⨽ 4 litters, 49 pups |
⨽ external (other contributed litters) | ⨽ 0 litter, no pup |
All rat records | 49 rats |
⨽ females | ⨽ 30 females (61.2 %) |
⨽ males | ⨽ 19 males (38.8 %) |
Litter statistics
Average mother age | 225 days (7.4 months) |
Average father age | 502 days (16.5 months) |
Average litter size | 12.3 pups per litter |
Average sex ratio | 0.633 (about 19 females for 12 males) |
Lifespan statistics
Bred rats recorded as deceased | 13 rats (26.5 % of recorded bred rats) |
⨽ declared with known date | ⨽ 13 rats (100 %) |
⨽ presumed dead | ⨽ No rat (0 %) |
Average lifespan of bred rats | 15.7 months (♀: 17.7 months – ♂: 9 months) |
⨽ infant mortality excluded | ⨽ 15.7 months (♀: 17.7 months – ♂: 9 months) |
⨽ accidents excluded | ⨽ 18.3 months (♀: 17.7 months – ♂: 24.3 months) |
Oldest bred rat | HPM-LPM Finn (deceased at 2 years, 10 days) |
Death causes statistics
Primary death causes by decreasing frequency |
30.77 %
Respiratory |
15.38 %
Eye, ear, mouth, face |
15.38 %
Accidents, traumas, poisonings |
15.38 %
Reproductive system |
7.69 %
Neurological (brain, spinal cords, nerves) |
7.69 %
Other |
7.69 %
Digestive |
Secondary death causes by decreasing frequency |
30.77 %
Bronchitis, pneumonia |
15.38 %
Uterine tumor |
7.69 %
Digestive hemorrhage |
7.69 %
Domestic accident (crush, door...) |
7.69 %
Facial abscess (excluding teeth and Zymbal gland) |
7.69 %
Pituitary tumor |
7.69 %
Zymbal gland tumor |
7.69 %
Fights, injuries, serious bites, subsequent hemorrhage (excluding abnormal hemorrhage) |
7.69 %
Other tumor (salivary, spleen, adrenal, thyroid...) |
— Created on 30/05/2022 by HopeRatoune. Last modified on 07/04/2024.
Related entries
Last contributed litters
State | Birth date | Dam | Sire | Size |
✓ | 17/11/2024 | HPM-DEL Azelia | HPM-LPM Murphy | 7 |
✓ | 31/03/2024 | HDL Mumière | DEL-LVM Vélociraptor | 17 |
✓ | 16/02/2023 | LPM Perle | LPM-PEX Hiboo | 15 |
✓ | 14/02/2023 | LPM Aïoli | LPM-PEX Pampelune | 10 |
Recently modified rats
State | Identifier | Name | Birth | Age | Death cause | Sex |
✓ | HPM59504M | Finn † | 14/02/2023 | 24 mo | Zymbal gland tumor | ♂ |
✓ | HPM59639F | Noisette † | 16/02/2023 | 23 mo | Other tumor | ♀ |
✓ | HPM61054M | Hadès | 17/11/2024 | 4 mo | – alive – | ♂ |
✓ | HPM60854M | Hermès † | 17/11/2024 | 2 mo | Domestic accident | ♂ |
✓ | HPM59501F | Tartinosaurus Rex † | 14/02/2023 | 24 mo | Pituitary tumor | ♀ |
✓ | HPM61051F | Perséphone | 17/11/2024 | 4 mo | – alive – | ♀ |
✓ | HPM61052F | Aphrodite | 17/11/2024 | 4 mo | – alive – | ♀ |
✓ | HPM61053F | Déméter | 17/11/2024 | 4 mo | – alive – | ♀ |
✓ | HPM59500F | Mavis † | 14/02/2023 | 24 mo | Facial abscess | ♀ |
✓ | HPM60855M | Apollon | 17/11/2024 | 4 mo | – alive – | ♂ |