Search Results

Rats born by Les Petits Anges d Alisha

State Identifier Name Pup Name Birth Reached Age Death cause Owner Sex
PAA31743M Chekhov † Boeuf à la sauce d'huîtres 01/08/2012 23 months Undetermined infection or abscess Mastermold
PAA31741M Hubert † Poulet aux 5 parfums 01/08/2012 31 months Old age, natural death Alisha
PAA31742M Philémon † Poisson grillé à la diable 01/08/2012 – ?? – No information trucmuch75
PAA31744M Mortimer † Canard au basilic thaï 01/08/2012 – ?? – No information trucmuch75
PAA31745M Norbert † Porc au caramel 01/08/2012 31 months Pododermatitis Alisha
PAA31746F Pélagie † Citrouille au flan de coco 01/08/2012 36 months Old age, natural death Alisha
PAA31747F Nouméa † Salade de papaye verte 01/08/2012 20 months Bronchitis, pneumonia Alisha
PAA31748F Citronnelle † Soupe de crevettes à la citronnelle 01/08/2012 25 months Undetermined infection or abscess Joséphine(de l'est)
PAA31749F Jiew Horn † Fondue thaïlandaise 01/08/2012 – ?? – No information Alisha
PAA31750F Moinette † Pâte de crevettes 01/08/2012 27 months Old age, natural death Apsara
PAA31751F Eulalie † Sauce épicée 01/08/2012 31 months Stroke Alisha
PAA31752F Yam Hua Plee † Salade de fleurs de bananier 01/08/2012 – ?? – No information Alisha
PAA31753F Khao Soi † Soupe de curry aux nouilles 01/08/2012 – ?? – No information Alisha
PAA31754F Naholia † Thon grillé à la sauce poisson 01/08/2012 37 months Old age, natural death Alisha
PAA23794F Vicodine † 30/12/2009 29 months Respiratory mitsuko
PAA23795F Atropa † 30/12/2009 18 months Other Anael
PAA21792M Azraël † 30/12/2009 29 months Respiratory Alisha
PAA23790M Oz † 30/12/2009 29 months Undetermined cause Alisha
PAA23791F Ritaline † 30/12/2009 28 months Old age, natural death mitsuko
PAA23792F Biloba † 30/12/2009 27 months Respiratory Non inscrit

Page 1 of 5, showing 20 record(s) out of 87 total