Search Results

Rats born by Pour La Science

State Identifier Name Pup Name Birth Reached Age Death cause Owner Sex
PLS51005F Aragonite des Ormeaux † 24/05/2018 – ?? – No information Isilna
PLS50472F Blue Star Chôjisô † 03/01/2018 27 months Other evalucky
PLS50474F Frosted Jade † 03/01/2018 17 months Undetermined cause evalucky
PLS50476F Lillabelle Ayame † 03/01/2018 20 months Veterinary accident Isilna
PLS49945M Blackbird serenare † 09/10/2017 21 months Undetermined tumor Isilna
PLS49946M Phaseolus Black eye peas † 09/10/2017 25 months Neurological Orelie
PLS49947M Paint in Corvus corax † 09/10/2017 36 months Old age, natural death Orelie
PLS49948M A medolia of Black mamba † 09/10/2017 34 months Old age, natural death Loïk
PLS49950F Pinctada Black pearl † 09/10/2017 23 months Undetermined tumor Isilna
PLS45828M  † 29/12/2015 < 1 month Infant mortality Isilna
PLS45829M  † 29/12/2015 < 1 month Stillborn Isilna
PLS53920F Songefeu la loyale † 27/02/2020 20 months Facial tumor LyuNam
PLS52769F Amiante Lady † 27/05/2019 10 months Generalized cancer, etc. Noah V.
PLS53916M Biggs † Agburanar l'endormi 27/02/2020 20 months Undetermined tumor Lixy-Chan
PLS45779M Lemmy † Ain't no grave 29/12/2015 21 months Undetermined cause Arkane
PLS50465F Meï † Angel's Trumpet 03/01/2018 – ?? – No information Nicovaping
PLS53823F Potatoes gonna potate † Anthropocentric Potatoe 08/02/2020 18 months Veterinary accident Limë
PLS52814M Kettle Logic † Arm-fall-off-boy 27/05/2019 22 months Undetermined cause Aggie
PLS53915M Kiviuq † Bahamut le juste 27/02/2020 Unknown No information sachaspace
PLS50473F Citrouille † Balloon flower Kikyô 03/01/2018 26 months Other Minirat

Page 2 of 5, showing 20 record(s) out of 82 total