
INC-PND Dojdh ♂ †


Identifier INC14923M
Name Dojdh
Pup name
Birth date Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sex Male
Owner Non inscrit


Birth place INC – * Animalerie *
Dam INC Livenn † (31 months)
Sire Unknown or unregistered
Genealogy See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings)
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants)
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics)


Variety Champagne bareback headspot standard straight
Color Champagne
Dilution No dilution
Marking Bareback
Earset Standard
Coat Straight
Eyecolor Pink
Singularities Headspot


Is alive? No
Age at death 1 month
Death date 11/11/2009
Death category Accidents, traumas, poisonings
Death cause Domestic accident (crush, door...)
Euthanized? Yes
Diagnosed by vet? Not Available
Post-mortem analyses? Not Available


(Portée récupérée par Darhya, née de Livenn vivant chez elle). A reçu un choc à la tête (lors d’un jeu avec sa fratrie) qui a touché le cerveau : souci coordination, etc. Euthanasié.

— Created on 10/12/2009 by LORD. Last modified on 07/01/2010.