Décembre 2016 : consultation vétérinaire pour une forte production de porphyrine au niveau de l’oeil gauche (sûrement lié à la tumeur découverte plus tard)
Mi décembre : découverte tumeur mammaire.
30/12/16 : nouvelle consultation suite au gonflement de la partie avant du museau gauche.
02/01/16 : opération pour un abcès coqué au niveau du museau avant gauche + tumeur mammaire - Traitement (flush, antibiotiques) par la suite
16/02/17 : biopsies effectuées au niveau du museau, incisive gauche retirée (mobile)
27/02/2017 : résultats des biopsies : carcinome épidermoïde - des soins palliatifs sont mis en place.
PRH-RMM Picpus ♀ †
Identifier | PRH41167F |
Name | Picpus |
Pup name | |
Birth date | Sunday, July 27, 2014 |
Sex | Female |
Owner | Vazaha |

Birth place | PRH – Les Ptits Rats Hippies de Normandie |
Dam | DTC ADN † (26 months) |
Sire | ZOM-RMM Bobillot † (26 months) |
Genealogy | See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings) |
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants) | |
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics) |
Variety | Russian blue hooded standard rex |
Color | Russian blue |
Dilution | No dilution |
Marking | Hooded |
Earset | Standard |
Coat | Rex |
Eyecolor | Black |
Singularities | None |
Is alive? | No |
Age at death | 31 months |
Death date | 08/03/2017 |
Death category | Other |
Death cause | Undetermined tumor (affected organ unknown) |
Euthanized? | Not Available |
Diagnosed by vet? | Not Available |
Post-mortem analyses? | Not Available |
Bred litters
16/05/2015 – 11 pups with ETR CAMA Ginger Bread
State | Identifier | Prefix | Name | Pup Name | Age | Death cause | Owner | Sex | Actions |
✓ | PRH44038F | PRH-KRL | Blueberry Muffin † | 39 mo | Old age, natural death | Lorien | ♀ |
✓ | PRH44015M | PRH-KRL | Epsilon † | Oolong Fujia | 27 mo | Domestic accident | Kerrya | ♂ |
✓ | PRH44018F | PRH-KRL | Good Morning Sunshine † | Red Fruit Delight | 24 mo | Bronchitis, pneumonia | Vazaha | ♀ |
✓ | PRH44016M | PRH-KRL | Jycrain † | Massala Tchaï | 34 mo | Undetermined cause | Chrichri333 | ♂ |
✓ | PRH44013M | PRH-KRL | Merry † | Mint Marrakech Style | 34 mo | Old age, natural death | ChouCha | ♂ |
✓ | PRH44021F | PRH-KRL | Moïra † | Sencha Shizokua | 33 mo | Undetermined tumor | Caelina | ♀ |
✓ | PRH44014M | PRH-KRL | Oméga † | Earl Grey Lime | 36 mo | Old age, natural death | Kerrya | ♂ |
✓ | PRH44017M | PRH-KRL | Royal Chocolate Cheesecake aka Prince Choco † | Royal Yuunan | 33 mo | Undetermined cause | PHAIA | ♂ |
✓ | PRH44040F | PRH-KRL | Sakura Bloom † | Pai Mu Tan | 38 mo | Old age, natural death | Lorien | ♀ |
✓ | PRH44019F | PRH-KRL | Yubaba † | Jasmin Flower | 41 mo | Undetermined tumor | harpeonie | ♀ |
✓ | PRH44020F | PRH-KRL | Zeniba † | Ceylon Nuwara | 31 mo | Undetermined cause | harpeonie | ♀ |
17/01/2015 – 17 pups with WEE-PAZ Manannan Mac Jean-Rat
State | Identifier | Prefix | Name | Pup Name | Age | Death cause | Owner | Sex | Actions |
✓ | PRH42796F | PRH-CDC | Amy Madison † | Pâquerettes | 23 mo | Undetermined tumor | nailo | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42785M | PRH-CDC | Cassis † | Caradec | – ?? – | No information | Jeanne_Rose | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42784M | PRH-CDC | Dream Catcher † | Abracadabra | 37 mo | Old age, natural death | Lorien | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42783F | PRH-CDC | Effy † | Vénus | 23 mo | Undetermined cause | LowaMoon | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42793F | PRH-CDC | Eryn † | Hématite | – ?? – | No information | flabra | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42789M | PRH-CDC | Face de Citron † | Topaze | 26 mo | Undetermined tumor | PHAIA | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42786M | PRH-CDC | Jean-Patate † | Cerf-volant | 26 mo | Undetermined tumor | PHAIA | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42780F | PRH-CDC | Lyria † | Ortie | – ?? – | No information | blackangel | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42781F | PRH-CDC | Nessie † | Edelweiss | 22 mo | Undetermined cause | Miss-Nemo | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42795F | PRH-CDC | Nòtt † | Jade | 32 mo | Respiratory | Lunacide | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42782M | PRH-CDC | Pippin † | Caladrius | 36 mo | Old age, natural death | ChouCha | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42788M | PRH-CDC | Pooky † | Ours | 7 mo | Domestic accident | Chnouillette | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42787M | PRH-CDC | Rémy † | Césaire | 13 mo | Undetermined cause | Julia92 | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42794F | PRH-CDC | Tikum † | Ivraie | 35 mo | Old age, natural death | Vazaha | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42791F | PRH-CDC | Twiggy Ramirez † | Agate | 32 mo | Old age, natural death | StéphanieVDK | ♀ |
✓ | PRH42790M | PRH-CDC | Whisky † | – ?? – | No information | Jeanne_Rose | ♂ |
✓ | PRH42792F | PRH-CDC | Yna † | Camée | 23 mo | Undetermined infection or abscess | Marinette | ♀ |
— Created on 22/09/2014 by Vazaha. Last modified on 21/04/2017.