Porte le double affixe DEL-MOL
23/09/2019 : tumeur près de la vulve → opération le 26/09/2019
30/01/2020 : baisse de forme générale et suspicion de tumeur hypophysaire → rdv le 1/01/2020 : mis sous antibio, zithromax car respiration un peu creusée.
Rdv le 4/02/2020 avec une autre véto car pas d’amélioration : dostinex car tumeur hypohysaire très probable → comas puis décès le 8/02/2020, autopsie : énorme tumeur hypophysaire qui a éclaté + abcès pulmonaires → analyses : E.coli + staphylocoque doréCauses du décès : tumeur hypophysaire + abcès pulmonaires
Lien vers la portée : Ici
Lien vers le suivi de la portée : Ici
DEL-MOL Pacific Rim ♀ †
Identifier | DEL50613F |
Name | Pacific Rim |
Pup name | It came from beneath the sea |
Birth date | Tuesday, February 13, 2018 |
Sex | Female |
Owner | Tani |

Birth place | DEL – D’ Ombre et de Lumière |
Dam | DEL Ultime Razzia † (36 months) |
Sire | RPV Remus Von Überwald † (22 months) |
Genealogy | See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings) |
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants) | |
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics) |
Variety | Agouti varihooded headspot standard straight |
Color | Agouti |
Dilution | No dilution |
Marking | Varihooded |
Earset | Standard |
Coat | Straight |
Eyecolor | Black |
Singularities | Headspot |
Is alive? | No |
Age at death | 24 months |
Death date | 08/02/2020 |
Death category | Neurological (brain, spinal cords, nerves) |
Death cause | Pituitary tumor |
Euthanized? | No |
Diagnosed by vet? | Yes |
Post-mortem analyses? | Yes |
Bred litters
29/01/2019 – 13 pups with NUA King Haggard
State | Identifier | Prefix | Name | Pup Name | Age | Death cause | Owner | Sex | Actions |
✓ | DEL52347M | DEL | Bilbo † | Edmund | 29 mo | Old age, natural death | Tani | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52349M | DEL | Kalinine † | Mr Tumnus | 25 mo | Undetermined tumor | Tani | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52339F | DEL | Liliandil † | 15 mo | Domestic accident | Tani | ♀ |
✓ | DEL52345M | DEL | Loki † | Astérius | 20 mo | Undetermined tumor | Tani | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52341F | DEL | Lucy † | – ?? – | No information | Elusive | ♀ |
✓ | DEL52348M | DEL | Miraz † | 32 mo | Intestinal obstruction | Tani | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52346M | DEL | Noïa † | Digory Kirke | 31 mo | Old age, natural death | Valhalla | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52342F | DEL | Orphée † | Susan | 38 mo | Old age, natural death | Kerrya | ♀ |
✓ | DEL52344M | DEL | Ozzy † | Argoz | 30 mo | Undetermined tumor | Tani | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52340F | DEL | Phénix † | Polly Plummer | 34 mo | Old age, natural death | Kerrya | ♀ |
✓ | DEL52350M | DEL | Plume † | Peter | 39 mo | Old age, natural death | Tani | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52351M | DEL | Prince Caspian X † | 25 mo | Neurological | Loulou39 | ♂ |
✓ | DEL52343F | DEL | Ylajali † | Jadis la Sorcière blanche | 32 mo | Respiratory | Elusive | ♀ |
29/09/2018 – 13 pups with ARP-DEL Ponyo
State | Identifier | Prefix | Name | Pup Name | Age | Death cause | Owner | Sex | Actions |
✓ | CDC51772M | CDC-DEL | Buster le Dromadaire † | Chaz Frati le Diable de tasmanie | 21 mo | Undetermined cause | Chnouillette | ♂ |
✓ | CDC51684F | CDC-DEL | Canelle † | Lisey la Galinette cendrée | 30 mo | Respiratory | cam1ss | ♀ |
✓ | CDC51698F | CDC-DEL | Carrie le Hamster † | Emmaline la Hermine | 25 mo | Undetermined tumor | Non inscrit | ♀ |
✓ | CDC51771M | CDC-DEL | Cujo le Bigorneau † | Ulrich le Nasique | 30 mo | Respiratory | Chnouillette | ♂ |
✓ | CDC51695F | CDC-DEL | Elizabeth † | Elizabeth la Crevette | – ?? – | No information | Non inscrit | ♀ |
✓ | CDC51700M | CDC-DEL | Elmer † | Elmer l'Ours polaire | 37 mo | Old age, natural death | Lau-Jo | ♂ |
✓ | CDC51638F | CDC-DEL | Hélia † | Mère Abigaëlle la Tourterelle | 38 mo | Old age, natural death | cam1ss | ♀ |
✓ | CDC51696F | CDC-DEL | Jessie † | Jessie la Fourmi | 23 mo | Bronchitis, pneumonia | Non inscrit | ♀ |
✓ | CDC51701F | CDC-DEL | Lily † | 23 mo | Veterinary accident | Tani | ♀ |
✓ | CDC51697F | CDC-DEL | Misery le Mulot † | Margaret la Belette | 38 mo | Undetermined tumor | Non inscrit | ♀ |
✓ | CDC51699M | CDC-DEL | Randall † | Randall l'Orignal | 26 mo | Undetermined tumor | Lau-Jo | ♂ |
✓ | CDC51770M | CDC-DEL | Roi Cramoisi le Poisson-scie † | Grippe-sou le Kangourou | 33 mo | Old age, natural death | Chnouillette | ♂ |
✓ | CDC51685M | CDC-DEL | Shining † | Lénand le Fou de bassan | 20 mo | Veterinary accident | Tani | ♂ |
— Created on 18/03/2018 by Tani. Last modified on 07/04/2024.