
RBP Eden ♂ †


Identifier RBP55278M
Name Eden
Pup name
Birth date Thursday, April 29, 2021
Sex Male
Owner HopeRatoune


Birth place RBP – Raterie Bouh'le de Poils
Dam RBP Ochaco (43 months)
Sire ETR William (51 months)
Genealogy See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings)
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants)
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics)


Variety Siamese black dumbo straight
Color Black
Dilution Siamese
Marking Self
Earset Dumbo
Coat Straight
Eyecolor Red
Singularities None


Is alive? No
Age at death 25 months
Death date 09/06/2023
Death category Eye, ear, mouth, face
Death cause Facial tumor (excluding Zymbal tumor)
Euthanized? Yes
Diagnosed by vet? Yes
Post-mortem analyses? No


Eden est décédé des suites d’une masse tumorale dans le conduit auditif, qui a fini par désaxer sa mâchoire

— Created on 01/06/2021 by Les Rats de Povéglia. Last modified on 21/05/2024.