
RBP – Raterie Bouh'le de Poils  ☾


Owner Les Rats de Povéglia
Founded in 2020
Country France
Localization Not Available
Zip Code Not Available
Website Not Available


Jeune élevage familial situé dans le Nord (59), depuis 2020 j’élève mes loulous dans les meilleures conditions possibles et avec tout l’amour et le respect animal qui s’en suit évidemment !


Breeding statistics
Breeding activity period 2020–2021 (7 months, 2 days)
Declared litters 7 litters, 56 pups
 ⨽ internal (born in the rattery)  ⨽ 7 litters, 56 pups
 ⨽ external (other contributed litters)  ⨽ 0 litter, no pup
All rat records 57 rats
 ⨽ females  ⨽ 24 females (42.1 %)
 ⨽ males  ⨽ 33 males (57.9 %)
The owner of this rattery does not wish to show their full breeding and mortality statistics.
— Created on 22/02/2023 by Les Rats de Povéglia. Last modified on 07/04/2024.

Related entries

Last contributed litters
State Birth date Dam Sire Size Actions
23/07/2021 IND Bouh ETR Zephyr 4 Edit Litter
23/06/2021 IND Mulan ETR William 11 Edit Litter
29/04/2021 RBP Ochaco ETR William 11 Edit Litter
28/04/2021 RBP Karma ETR William 10 Edit Litter
07/02/2021 IND Hera ETR Zephyr 4 Edit Litter
21/01/2021 IND Hel ETR Zephyr 11 Edit Litter
21/12/2020 IND Bouh ETR Zephyr 5 Edit Litter
Recently modified rats
State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Birth Age Death cause Sex Actions
RBP55278M RBP Eden † 29/04/2021 25 mo Facial tumor Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP57214F RBP Lilith 23/07/2021 43 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP54613M RBP Midori † 21/12/2020 21 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP55464F RBP Raya † 23/06/2021 20 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP54697M RBP Shoto † 07/02/2021 23 mo Undetermined cause Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP55556F RBP Artémis 23/07/2021 43 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP55557F RBP Séléné 23/07/2021 43 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP55559M RBP Lucifer 23/07/2021 43 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP55560M RBP Saphir 23/07/2021 43 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death
RBP55582F RBP Plume 23/06/2021 44 mo – alive – Edit Rat Declare Death