New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
INC21159F INC Ceridwen † Koen
INC21160F INC Keridwen † Koen
INC21164M INC Boogie † BooBoo Koen
INC21169F INC Mystik † Alex84
INC21170F INC Zelda † Alex84
INC21174M INC Perlimpimpin † Non inscrit
INC21203F INC Némésis † némésis
INC21204M INC Anbu † némésis
INC21206M INC Mushu † némésis
INC21208M INC Glaz † némésis
INC21212M INC Païtonn † némésis
INC21213M INC Jupi † némésis
INC21214M INC Cortex † némésis
INC21218F INC Pucca † La douce ramses30
INC21219M INC Ramsès † Le chou à la crème ramses30
INC21221M INC Homer † Elo7389
INC21227M INC Ugo † Elo7389
INC21230F INC Candy † Elo7389
INC21231F INC Lolita † Elo7389
INC21233F INC Praline † Alex84

Page 203 of 2,462, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,235 total