New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
INC21234F INC Angel † La savonnette ramses30
INC21235F INC Chanel † La cavaleuse ramses30
INC21239M INC Sirius † ramses30
INC21276F INC Kayna † poupoune
INC21282M INC Gros Minky † Non inscrit
INC21285F INC Siam † Non inscrit
INC21291F INC Perle Noire † Perle Noire, RHL Rachel
INC21298F INC Zoé † Eclairette, RHL Rachel
INC21299F INC Bianca † Mima, RHL, Canaille Rachel
INC21304M INC Etrog † Troggy Rachel
INC21305M INC Lemmel † Rachel
INC21306F INC Bronwen † Breindel Rachel
INC21307F INC Mishka † Anna Lee, Poil de Q, RHL Rachel
INC21308F INC Winter Kiss † Neshika, Neshikis Rachel
INC21321M INC Takumi † némésis
INC21343F INC Eenca † Alyana
INC21344F INC Linéa † Ils-etaient-une-fois
INC21359F INC Texas † Non inscrit
INC21360M INC Texas † Non inscrit
INC21361M INC Texas † Non inscrit

Page 204 of 2,472, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,424 total