New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
IND18120M IND Bull † So
IND18149F IND Pookie † Leedan
IND18156M IND-TAR Doubitchou † Doubi, Doubinou, Doubinator, DoubiGros Xandrah
IND18157M IND-TAR Kloug † Klougginours Xandrah
IND18158M IND-TAR Sid † Mini Piou Xandrah
IND18165F IND Abby † marina3182
IND18166F IND Joy † marina3182
IND18167F IND Newte † marina3182
IND18173M IND-REA Jo2 † rea38
IND18174F IND Malibu Stacy † Stacy rea38
IND18176M IND Sirius † sorong
IND18177F IND Mistinguette † Misty sorong
IND18179F IND Kawa † Marinette
IND18181F IND Manie † Non inscrit
IND18192M IND-TAR Louly † MarionEtJonathan
IND18193M IND Lomy † Titou MarionEtJonathan
IND18213F IND Chaussette † Chaussou Asuka
IND18237F IND cléopatre † cléo Non inscrit
IND18239F IND BLANCHE † kana_speed_ratus
IND18240F IND Lilith † Aileen

Page 491 of 2,466, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,314 total