New Rat

All Rats

State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Owner Sex
IND18301M IND Eden † stallion
IND18327M IND Phénix † Phénix worms004
IND18343M IND Muffin † kana_speed_ratus
IND18345M IND GUIZMO † Non inscrit
IND18347F IND Maki † Asuuka
IND18348F IND Xéna † MarionEtJonathan
IND18352F IND Nyx † Nynyx, Nyxouille MarionEtJonathan
IND18354F IND Bulle † Bubulle MarionEtJonathan
IND18356M IND-REA Buzz † rea38
IND18365F IND-WOO Havanna † jibi
IND18369F IND Kira † worms004
IND18402F IND Hermione † Mathilde49
IND18418M IND-TAR Baloo † Baloo MarionEtJonathan
IND18419M IND-TAR Dumbo † MarionEtJonathan
IND18420F IND Shiloh † MarionEtJonathan
IND18421F IND Miami † MarionEtJonathan
IND18422F IND-TAR Kiara † MarionEtJonathan
IND18423F IND-TAR Ary'L † MarionEtJonathan
IND18424F IND-TAR NoName † MarionEtJonathan
IND18425F IND-TAR Cléo † MarionEtJonathan

Page 493 of 2,466, showing 20 record(s) out of 49,314 total