
TDS – Les trésors de Smaug  ☾


Owner mamzellebulle38
Founded in 2018
Country France
Localization Not Available
Zip Code 38000
Website Not Available


Première raterie familiale en camion ! Je travaille le PED en partant sur une branche de la famille du coffre à rêve


Breeding statistics
Breeding activity period 2016–2021 (5 years, 4 months)
Declared litters 12 litters, 118 pups
 ⨽ internal (born in the rattery)  ⨽ 8 litters, 74 pups
 ⨽ external (other contributed litters)  ⨽ 4 litters, 44 pups
All rat records 118 rats
 ⨽ females  ⨽ 59 females (50 %)
 ⨽ males  ⨽ 59 males (50 %)
Litter statistics
Average mother age 245 days (8 months)
Average father age 517 days (16.9 months)
Average litter size 9.8 pups per litter
Average sex ratio Balanced (1 male for 1 female)
Lifespan statistics
Bred rats recorded as deceased 61 rats (82.4 % of recorded bred rats)
 ⨽ declared with known date  ⨽ 29 rats (47.5 %)
 ⨽ presumed dead  ⨽ 32 rats (52.5 %)
Average lifespan of bred rats 24.1 months (♀: 23.6 months – ♂: 24.7 months)
 ⨽ infant mortality excluded  ⨽ 24.1 months (♀: 23.6 months – ♂: 24.7 months)
 ⨽ accidents excluded  ⨽ 25.4 months (♀: 25.2 months – ♂: 25.6 months)
Oldest bred rat TDS-IKR Buck (deceased at 2 years, 11 months, 28 days)
Death causes statistics
Primary death causes by decreasing frequency
27.59 %
Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
24.14 %
20.69 %
17.24 %
Accidents, traumas, poisonings
10.34 %
Unknown cause
Secondary death causes by decreasing frequency
27.59 %
*Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum)
13.79 %
Undetermined tumor (affected organ unknown)
10.34 %
Domestic accident (crush, door...)
10.34 %
Undetermined cause (known date)
10.34 %
Bronchitis, pneumonia
6.9 %
Veterinary accident (anesthesia during a minor operation, medical error, etc.)
6.9 %
Undetermined infection or abscess
6.9 %
Pulmonary edema
6.9 %
— Created on 19/05/2019 by mamzellebulle38.

Related entries

Last contributed litters
State Birth date Dam Sire Size Actions
11/12/2021 PRH-TDS Corne de Licorne bretonne en Sucre CRV Artaban 8 Edit Litter
04/05/2021 TDS-CRV Ahri TDS Thibou 4 Edit Litter
11/02/2021 PRH Pudding ETR Sweden 14 Edit Litter
27/01/2021 CRV Cruella d'Enfer TDS-IKR Buck 14 Edit Litter
30/10/2020 TDS-IKR Nagini PRH Max 12 Edit Litter
19/07/2020 TDS-IKR Nagini PRH Bloody Caesar 12 Edit Litter
30/04/2020 ETR Freyja TDS-CRV Kyogre 15 Edit Litter
13/12/2019 TDS-CRV Sulfura PRH-RCD Big Ben 5 Edit Litter
20/11/2019 TWR Katmandou IKR Magneto 10 Edit Litter
09/04/2019 CRV Améthyste CRV-TDS Monsieur Mouche 8 Edit Litter
Recently modified rats
State Identifier Prefix Name Pup Name Birth Age Death cause Sex Actions
TDS56900M TDS Davy Jones † Grisebranche 11/12/2021 24 mo Bronchitis, pneumonia Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS56903M TDS Silas † 11/12/2021 20 mo Pulmonary edema Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS56902M TDS Malygos † 11/12/2021 15 mo Pulmonary edema Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS56901M TDS Zephrys † 11/12/2021 14 mo Domestic accident Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS54979F TDS-CRV Charybde † Nidalee 19/07/2020 35 mo Bronchitis, pneumonia Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS54965F TDS Mélusine † S.H.A 30/10/2020 29 mo Respiratory Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS54969M TDS-CRV Arsène Lupin-Tachoku † Aphelios 19/07/2020 32 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS54959M TDS Gribouille † Papier toilette 30/10/2020 28 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
TDS54948F TDS Astrid † Astrid 30/04/2020 26 mo Old age, natural death Edit Rat Declare Death
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