Né chez l’Opera des P’tites Pensées en partenariat avec les Ratoux du Sergent Douphie. Il porte donc l’affixe OPR-DOU.
Abcès près du sexe en février 2020, fin de cicatrisation en cours propre.
Le 8.07.21: l’image des dents du haut poussent de travers
MAJ par Loulouteratoune :
Lilas est décédé le 04/03/2022 (31,5 mois) de cause inconnue. Une forte dégradation de son état, notamment niveau locomoteur et poids a été remarqué progressivement depuis quelques mois avant son départ. On peut imputer son départ à la vieillesse et/ou à une possible TH.
OPR-DOU Lilas ♂ †
Identifier | OPR52977M |
Name | Lilas |
Pup name | Drobot |
Birth date | Saturday, July 20, 2019 |
Sex | Male |
Owner | marinou75 |
Birth place | OPR – L'Opéra des P'tites Pensées |
Dam | OPR-MOL Elysia Crispata † (27 months) |
Sire | DOU Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came † (26 months) |
Genealogy | See birth litter sheet (parents and siblings) |
See interactive family tree (all direct ascendants and descendants) | |
See family report (family size and lifespan statistics) |
Variety | Russian blue capped standard rex |
Color | Russian blue |
Dilution | No dilution |
Marking | Capped |
Earset | Standard |
Coat | Rex |
Eyecolor | Black |
Singularities | None |
Is alive? | No |
Age at death | 31 months |
Death date | 04/03/2022 |
Death category | Old age, natural death (from 24 month old minimum) |
Death cause | Not Available |
Euthanized? | No |
Diagnosed by vet? | No |
Post-mortem analyses? | No |
Bred litters
25/04/2021 – 13 pups with DNR Ipomea Violacea
State | Identifier | Prefix | Name | Pup Name | Age | Death cause | Owner | Sex | Actions |
✓ | CHC55304F | CHC | Antha | 46 mo | – alive – | Michaël | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55302F | CHC | Ciel Silverstry † | Morrigan | 40 mo | Old age, natural death | Noah V. | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55305F | CHC | Fleur † | Lady Grimm | 35 mo | Unknown cause | Laeti992 | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55301F | CHC | Imladris † | Séli | 25 mo | Pituitary tumor | Loulouteratoune | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55315M | CHC | Kenaï † | Lord Bazak | 40 mo | Old age, natural death | Benalli | ♂ |
✓ | CHC55312M | CHC | Koda † | Baldric | 34 mo | Pituitary tumor | Benalli | ♂ |
✓ | CHC55313M | CHC | Laurier | Bérin | 46 mo | – alive – | marinou75 | ♂ |
✓ | CHC55314M | CHC | Lotus | Silas | 46 mo | – alive – | marinou75 | ♂ |
✓ | CHC55303F | CHC | Nelly † | 26 mo | Pituitary tumor | Michaël | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55310F | CHC | Saphir † | Ariane | 26 mo | Undetermined cause | Laeti992 | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55262F | CHC | Solveig † | 23 mo | Otitis, ear abscess | Catchou | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55311F | CHC | Trotsky † | Cadence | 17 mo | Unknown cause | Ptipup | ♀ |
✓ | CHC55309F | CHC | Whisky † | Ann | 37 mo | Old age, natural death | Ptipup | ♀ |
11/03/2021 – 14 pups with DNA-DNR Marquise Eurydice
State | Identifier | Prefix | Name | Pup Name | Age | Death cause | Owner | Sex | Actions |
✓ | DNA55168F | DNA | Amanita Peruanita † | White Elephant a.k.a. Synchronicity | 44 mo | Old age, natural death | Ambrozy | ♀ |
✓ | DNA55169F | DNA | Cassibodua † | LadyBug a.k.a. Spurious Correlation | 38 mo | Old age, natural death | Bellefeegore | ♀ |
✓ | DNA55170F | DNA | Cassimara † | Lucky 13 a.k.a. Littlewood's Law | 29 mo | Other accident or trauma | Bellefeegore | ♀ |
✓ | DNA55174M | DNA | Lavandin | Rabbit's Foot a.k.a. Optimism Bias | 47 mo | – alive – | marinou75 | ♂ |
✓ | DNA55173M | DNA | Liseron | Four-Leaf Clover a.k.a. Hindsight Bias | 47 mo | – alive – | marinou75 | ♂ |
✓ | DNA55171F | DNA | Maneki-Neko † | Maneki-Neko a.k.a. Coincidence | 26 mo | Old age, natural death | pammy | ♀ |
✓ | DNA55176M | DNA | Raton 1 † | 0 mo | Infant mortality | Non inscrit | ♂ |
✓ | DNA55177F | DNA | Raton 2 † | 0 mo | Infant mortality | Non inscrit | ♀ |
✓ | DNA55178M | DNA | Raton 3 † | 0 mo | Lack of milk | Non inscrit | ♂ |
✓ | DNA55179F | DNA | Raton 4 † | 0 mo | Lack of milk | Non inscrit | ♀ |
✓ | DNA55180M | DNA | Raton 5 † | 0 mo | Lack of milk | Non inscrit | ♂ |
✓ | DNA55181M | DNA | Raton 6 † | 0 mo | Lack of milk | Non inscrit | ♂ |
✓ | DNA55175F | DNA | Raton 8 † | 1 mo | Fights, injuries, etc. | Non inscrit | ♀ |
✓ | DNA55172M | DNA | Tempo | Corno Portafortuna a.k.a. Gambler's Fallacy | 47 mo | – alive – | Ezanihao | ♂ |
— Created on 27/08/2019 by Loulouteratoune. Last modified on 11/07/2024.